How Nope Forces its Characters into Showdowns

How Nope Forces its Characters into Showdowns

If spoilers make you want to nope on out of here… That’s fine. You should see Nope before you read this.

“Right here, you are going to witness an absolute spectacle.”

The engine driving Jordan Peele's Nope is powered by people trying to exploit an unexplained organism flying over Agua Dulce. The Haywood siblings (OJ and Emerald) have a horse ranch directly under the creature’s hunting grounds and want to capture the “Oprah Shot” to cash in on proving its existence. Their neighbor Ricky “Jupe” Park wants to entice the creature to “perform” at his theme park, Jupiter’s Claim.

When writing a story with a massive, awe-inspiring antagonist like Jean Jacket (the name OJ gives the creature), it can tempt the writer to hold back. Save the big fight for the ending.

But Nope tactically deploys confrontations between humans and Jean Jacket throughout the film to raise the stakes for the protagonists. 

Each time we see the creature on screen, it’s used not only to put characters in life or death peril, but to focus the protagonists on their goal.

Early battles create complications

While we think of showdowns coming at the end of the story, early battles allow for new complications for your heroes.

Jean Jacket’s first action minutes into the film barely counts as an appearance, but it makes a big impact.

A hail of debris from the sky kills Otis Haywood Sr. We later learn that this debris was non-digestible material ejected from Jean Jacket after feeding on some missing hikers.

That knowledge changes things for Emerald and OJ. This isn’t just a chance for them to get their Oprah Shot of an impossible creature. It adds a new wrinkle to their motivation.

The creature took their father from them, so there’s a personal connection between the protagonists and the antagonistic beast, strengthening the desire to tame (or at least cash in on) this animal.

Make the enemy come to them

When Emerald and Angel (the Fry’s Electronics installer) get stuck inside the house as Jean Jacket delivers a fresh scare in the form of undigested blood and debris ejected onto the house.

It’s what’s left of the crowd from Jupiter’s Claim after Jupe’s attempt to lure the creature in to perform ended in it eating the entire audience.

The rain of blood fits with the logic behind the creature’s biology, and it makes sense for the creature to come home to its territory after a big meal. It also keeps up the tension by making sure the creature doesn’t only show up when the characters expect it to or feel prepared.

Allowing your antagonist to appear at any moment can help you pick and choose when and where they should make their presence felt to ratchet up the tension.

Rushing the plan

Jean Jacket eating Jupe and his audience adds further fuel to the dramatic fire: it brings unwanted attention from the outside world.

Before there were only vague hints that something weird was happening in Agua Dulce. News reports of dozens of missing people create the potential for competition.

Either they get the Oprah Shot first, or they get nothing. Those have always been the stakes, but the creature becoming more active and hungry forces the characters to accelerate their plan, breeding unseen complications.

Now OJ chooses to take a bigger risk, riding a horse as bait for Jean Jacket. Without the potential for this window of opportunity to close, the story wouldn’t have the momentum to bring the final confrontation with the beast.